When you purchase a product from a store, you are entering into a contract with that manufacturer. The contract promises that if their product is used correctly, it should not cause harm to you or your family. Unfortunately for a portion of the population, this is not the case. If you have used a product that has caused injury because of defective operation or inadequate product warnings, you may be entitled to compensation. Nelson Personal Injury looks at the 4 steps to take after being injured by a defective or dangerous product.
1. Seek Medical Attention
The most important thing is the health and safety of you and your family. If a defective product has injured you, seek medical attention immediately. If it is possible, take photos of the injury and the exact conditions that caused the product to become dangerous or malfunction. This can help a personal injury claim against the manufacturer down the line.
2. Save The Defective/Dangerous Product
If the product is still dangerous after the accident, properly dispose of it to avoid any further injury. Otherwise, saving the product can help build a case around how the product exactly injured you or a loved one. Looking at the documentation that comes along with the product can help too. Did it have adequate warnings? What does the product warranty say? When you are putting together a defective product claim, especially for commercial products, warranties and documentation are critical.
3. Recovery And Research
While you are recovering from your injury, be sure to document the pain you are feeling, the wages you are missing, and any other way this injury has affected your life. You can recover damages for these things in a personal injury case. While you are recovering, see if there are other instances of this same product malfunctioning. It is rare that just one unit becomes dangerous, usually, it is part of a bad shipment. Contacting a personal injury lawyer is an important step here to help you build a case because the defense will surely be building theirs. Additionally, professional personal injury lawyers can be invaluable when helping you put together your case, look for evidence, and making sure you are getting the compensation you deserve.
4. Contact Nelson Personal Injury
Nelson Personal Injury has been helping individuals in the St. Cloud and Central Minnesota area with defective product personal injury claims for over 30 years. Our professional personal injury attorneys know the ins and outs of dangerous and defective product claims and will help you get the financial support you need to move forward from your claim. Find out more about Nelson Personal Injury, and get a free case assessment on our website nelsonpersonalinjury.com.