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Dog Bite Prevention

Dog Bite Prevention - Minnesota

As summertime continues, people will include their dogs in outdoor activities. Every year, more than 4.5 million people in the U.S are bitten by a dog, and more than half of the victims are children. Here we will examine the responsibility of pet ownership and dog bite prevention.

There are approximately 78 million dogs in the U.S. The majority of dogs are docile, but all dogs have the ability to bite. In most cases, a dog’s tendency to react violently can be linked to how the dog was nurtured. If the dog was not properly socialized and trained, or if it was abused, the dog can be hostile toward humans due to insecurity or fear. When a dog bites a person, it may be given up or euthanized, so it is crucial for dog owners to be accountable. Therefore, tt is important for everyone — owners and non-owners alike — to become more informed on dog bite prevention.

For Children

  • Get the owner’s permission before petting his or her dog.
  • Do not poke, hit, pull or tease a dog.
  • Do not approach a stranger’s dog that is eating or sleeping.
  • Do not approach a dog who is nurturing its puppies.
  • Do not attempt to pet a dog that is barking at you or has its tail positioned under their legs.
  • Do not attempt to pet a dog who is behind a fence and guarding its owner’s property.
  • Do not attempt to pet a dog that is in the back of a vehicle or inside someone’s parked car. 

For Dog Owners 

  • If you decide to care for a puppy, make sure to train and socialize it earlier so it is relaxed around other people.
  • In order to socialize a puppy with other dogs, have it around other dogs at a young age.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with a small child or baby, even if it’s a family dog you are very familiar with.
  • Do not let your dog and children play unsupervised. They should always be observed to ensure the safety of your dog and children.
  • Do not let children mistreat or abuse your dog. Be sure that they learn to treat dogs with respect and love.
  • Make sure your dog isn’t in a position where it feels threatened.
  • Do not let your dog run freely and unaccompanied in the neighborhood.
  • Be sure that your dog receives regular veterinary care. Dogs that are sick or injured are generally more likely to bite.
  • If someone approaches your dog, explain to them to wait and let your dog sniff and familiarize themselves with the person before allowing the person to pet your dog.

Dogs are great companions; they provide us with love, protection, support and comfort. Nevertheless, it is up to owners to properly train and socialize their dogs so that they do not become hostile animals. By utilizing these safety tips, we can safeguard ourselves, our loved ones, and our own dogs from the severe consequences of dog bites and other violent situations. 

If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, we’re here to help. For more information on our services, check out our website at


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